
The Beginning

Silat Seni Gayong is one of the different types of martial arts inherited by the Bangsa Melayu.
In Singapore context,it was believed to begin,during the second world war, at Pulau Sudong by a man named Tengku Daing Meor Abdul Rahman Bin Uda Mat Hashim, on the date 17th February 1942.
Through his effort,Silat Seni Gayong was taught,until it reached the mainland,Singapore.
By then,he was already known to be the MAHAGURU of Silat Seni Gayong in Singapore and it's neighbouring waters.
The Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka, Sultan Of Perak Darul Ridzwan had recognized him as Datuk Tengku Daing Meor Abdul Rahman P.P.C.M(Datuk Paduka Corek Simanjakini) after Silat Seni Gayong was spread far and wide,and few of it's successor were born.

Pakcik Hussain Bin Kaslan

Pakcik Hussain Kaslan They were held responsible according to their posts of the martial arts.
One of them is non-other than Encik Haji Hussain Bin Kaslan,who were made representative Mahaguru on the year 1958. Encik Haji Hussain Bin Kaslan were given the status "IMAM KHALIFAH" of Silat Seni Gayong Singapore with the title "Seri Mahkota Agung Relang Pelangi" by the MAHAGURU of Silat Seni Gayong at Perak Darul Ridzuan.

With the help of Encik Haji Hussain Bin Kaslan together with his friends,the art became one of the malay traditional activity,under the heritage society known as "Pekasa Angkatan'59" in 1959


on the year 1963, the name was changed to"Pekumpulan Anak2 Sandiwara Angkatan Kesenian"(Singapore Youth Society Of Dramatic Culture) or "PASAK"in short.
PASAK has survived since then,producing qualified instructors and teachers.
They were equipped with proper knowledge about the whereabouts of Silat Seni Gayong,it's history,customs as well as rituals,skill on the martial art and many more.


"MGG" or the teachers union was set up on 1972.
The union was to handle the purity,originality and the unity of every member in order to prevent any confusion on it's education.
Guide books were also published.
Lots of training grounds were formed.The martial arts teachers were willing to go to and fro Johor,to promote the existence of the art.
Today 15 such training grounds were established.




Training Grounds



Coming Soon